Tokyo Gulf Dental Makuharihongo Dental Hospital

Contact 043-272-0271

東京湾岸歯科|もねの里 歯科医院

Preventative Dentistry

Preventative maintenance to ensure healthy teeth throughout the patient’s lifetime!

In place of treating cavities after they have formed, preventative dentistry actively prevents cavities before they start. In order to proactively protect your teeth and mouth health, Tokyo Gulf Dental utilizes both professional care provided by dental specialists as well as daily self care based on the guidance of our dentists and dental hygienists. Even healthy teeth given proper care require periodic examination and maintenance. At Tokyo Gulf Dental, dental specialists provide safe and reliable treatment such as wisdom teeth extractions.

Message from Our Dental Hygienists

We provide professional care to prevent disease such as cavities and gum disease, as well as to maintain and promote health.
The most important thing, however, is for patients to brush their teeth daily. Without daily proper brushing, one cannot maintain a healthy mouth and teeth, no matter how much periodic preventative care one receives. Even a clean oral environment established with professional care will become unclean and diseased without proper brushing.
The problem is that many patients do not know how to brush their teeth properly. At Tokyo Gulf Dental, we can show you how to conduct self care matched to your state of oral health, age, lifestyle, and living environment.
Are your teeth truly getting the brushing they need with you usual brushing routine? This is where we start when offering our patients proper brushing methods. We then go on to provide detailed guidance on brushes suited to the patient and the correct and effective use of auxiliary dental cleaning tools such as interdental brushes and dental floss.
Please ask us if you have any questions or concerns in this area.
Let’s work together to keep your mouth healthy!

Everything for our patients’ health and smileLike a little dental university which treats the whole family!

Hours/days Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
9:30 a.m.~1:00 p.m. -
2:30 p.m.~7:00 p.m. - -

Note: Closed thursday, national holidays

3 minute walk from Makuharihongo Station

We treat any and all pains and problems.Please contact us about your dental worries. Contact 043-272-0271